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The production of urban space, temporality, and spatiality

Cote/Cotes extrêmes


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Volume / Band 8

Identificateur de la ressource ISBN


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Complément du titre

Lyons, 1500-1900

Mention de responsabilité

Bernard Gauthiez

Langue des unités documentaires


Lieu de publication, production et/ou distribution


Nom d’éditeur, producteur et/ou distributeur


Date de publication, production et/ou distribution


Conditions d'accès

NC Libre accès en salle de lecture

N° casier : 163

Type de présentation matérielle et importance matérielle

ouvrage relié


1 vol. (257 p.)

Présence d'illustration

ill. en noir et en coul.

Composition du matériau


Dimensions et unité de dimensions

16 x 23,5 x 2 cm

Titre propre de la collection ou de la monographie en plusieurs parties


Numérotation au sein de la collection ou de la monographie en plusieurs parties

Volume / Band 8

Notes sur la zone de la publication, production, distribution, etc.

cop. 2020

Notes sur le contenu

References p. 236. Appendix : 27 images from the film of building activity at Lyons from 1620 to 1830, one image per 10 years. Abstract. List of figures, graphs and tabmes. Index of persons and places. Subject index.

Notes sur la zone de l’identificateur de la ressource et des modalités d'acquisition

Inv. AML : 10115

Autres notes

59,95 euros

Note de résumé

The production of urban space has seldom been investigated by scholars in historical and urban studies. Cities are still seen primarily as frames in which activities and social relationship develop, not as products in themselves. The aim of the book is the comprehension of this production. This implies an adequate conceptualisation of the manner in which urban space can be broken down into units which are the results of social processes and agents. A first part examines the proposed concepts and their implications. The second part deals with building production considered in relation to demography and sociological context. The third part develops on the rhythms of the space production at Lyons from the late 15th century to the 19th, focusing on its temporalities and spatialities. The agents of the production are studied throughout the period. The goal is to identify and describe each phenomenon as a temporal, spatial and social entity. The series : spatiotemporality The aim of the series is interdisciplinary scholarly exchange pertaining to practices and concepts in the double perspective of space and time in studies informed by current theoretical approaches. Spatiality and temporality are treated as constructs in inextricable correlation with each other in contexts both historical and contemporary. The core concern is the role of space and time in people's sociocultural and life-world concepts of themselves and in media representations. [Decitre]

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Mots clés typologiques