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Monographies imprimées : tranche 1 : 1 à 299 999 : inférieur à 25 cm de hauteur (hors brochures)

Elementary and grammar education in late medieval France - Lyon, 1285-1530

Cote/Cotes extrêmes



mars 2017

Identificateur de la ressource ISBN


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Lieu de publication, production et/ou distribution


Nom d’éditeur, producteur et/ou distributeur


Conditions d'accès


Type de présentation matérielle et importance matérielle

Ouvrage relié


1 vol. (190 p.)

Présence d'illustration

Couv. ill.

Composition du matériau


Dimensions et unité de dimensions

16.0 x 24.0 x 1.5 cm

Titre propre de la collection ou de la monographie en plusieurs parties

Knowledge Communities

Notes sur le contenu

Sources dont certaines provenant des AML à page 164, bibliogr. p. 167.

Notes sur la zone de l’identificateur de la ressource et des modalités d'acquisition

Inv. AML : 9679

Note de résumé

During the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, Europe as a whole experienced a market increase in the availability of elementary and grammar education. Though previous studies have focused on this development in Italy and England, France too saw a rise in the provision and demand for such instruction. In many ways, the instructional sitation in France was a  unique blend of trends from across Europe, ranging from Church-dominated schools to independent and communal teachers. Nowhere was this more evident than in the south-eastern city of Lyon, a crossroad of ideas from north and south as well as trade. Elementary and grammar education in late medieval France : Lyon, 1285-1530 examines the educational landscape of the city, how schoolds and teachers were organized and how they interacted with each other and with ecclesiastical and municipoal authorities. It will also look at the experiences and careers of teachers and pupils and at the mentalities surrounding going to school in the Middle Ages. 

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